Friday 9 January 2015


I've somehow come across a blog the last couple of days called Kimberly's Quilting and Sewing, you can check it out HERE.

The last few days she is talking about being paralyzed by the "stash". A lot of what she is saying is resonating with me but I'm also finding it a bit frightening....what is she going to tell us to do with our lovely stash?...I don't know, but am thinking of trying to follow some of her suggestions.

This past year I had a couple of good friends offer to help organize my stash somewhat. I had put their offer off for quite a while because, quite frankly, I felt humiliated by the fact that I may need some help. They assured me though of the pleasure they get out of seeing (and petting) fabrics of other quilters, lol. We had a great day and made so much headway.

But there's still some work to do. Why do I think I can put a day aside to deal with something like this....

I`ve had these two bags around the house for probably over 5 years. They move from spot to spot, with me thinking that someday I`ll devote some time sorting, pressing, etc. Another little voice tells me just to chuck it....if I haven`t looked at it in so long, will I really miss it? Probably not, but the other little voice is screaming, "Noooooo!!!".  I know that one of the reasons to hold on to these is that I am basically a maker of scrappy quilts.

Some of what Kimberly writes about does speak to me, though. I think sometimes our taste in colour, genre, etc can change. I've said it before.....I think I've been going thru' the "fabric change-of-life" the last couple of years! My  colours over the years have always been warm, country colours. Lately, I've been buying brighter colours, even being influenced by other friends and trying Fassett fabrics, and the like. I'm loving the whimsy of Australian quilters and the fabrics they use. Maybe it IS time to weed thru' the stash??

Now for my nutrition tip of the day. No, this probably won't be a regular feature, but I guess many of us have little tricks to get a bit of "healthy" into our day, don't we? Here's mine for January. I want to try to sneak a tablespoon of this into my diet every day...

There are so many benefits to Hemp Seeds....protein, iron, etc., and it's easy to add them to your meal. I've just finished my porridge and I threw some in there and didn't even taste a difference. Not that there is anything wrong with the taste of them, at all. Another way to use them is to sprinkle them on your salad.  This big bag was bought at Costco.

On the quest for healthier eating, doesn't it seem like the universe is plotting against you sometimes??? What did I find this morning but some leftovers from Christmas...

There was a little bag of about 15 Hershey Kisses. I thought all the temptations had been gotten rid of (meaning eaten!).

Time to head off to the studio to work on a friend's quilt. I'm spending a couple of days doing all the ditch-work, then on Monday I can start the fun!

This quilt is a round-robin. Check out the way someone added "wedges" to get the "on point" centre medallion to be squared up....

So cool! My friend wants feathers to fill the cream "wedges". Not a problem, love doing me some feathers!!

Here's a picture of the outer border, which may give some of you a clue to whose quilt this is!!!

Have a great day!


  1. D. will be so thrilled with the quilting! It is a lovely quilt.
    I will check out that other blog. I need all the help I can get for my stash!

  2. Hi, Sandra ... my Miss Miai-loving Round Robin Stitchin Sister sent me a link to your blog so I can enjoy the photos of your quilting on her round robin. The on-point fan wedges are my contribution to this beauty. I really loved working on this round robin and am looking forward to seeing this quilted.
    I also enjoyed reading the article on stash talk. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat
