Friday 16 January 2015

My Flower Garden

Last week I was reading a blog on getting one's stash under control. I found it inspiring, even though I didn't follow her steps to find that control....who has time??? LOL

This morning I found myself feeling overwhelmed by the ufo's !!! It's getting a bit tiring having these feelings about that which is supposed to be my enjoyable pastime. I'm not sure which direction to take but what I'm doing now isn't working. I find if I look back over the last two years, I see that I really haven't completed many quilts at all.  I think I keep flitting from one project to another.

Other than BOM's that I'm involved in with my local guilds, etc., I think I'll try concentrating on one UFO til it's complete. My outlook will surely improve if I see some real quilt tops, don't you think? Well, that's my theory (for now) and I'll try to stick to it.

On to applique.....

I don't think I've every found myself with so many hand-sewing projects! I really don't want to put any of them aside and concentrate on just one because I'm afraid the projects that are put aside will never see the light of day again! LOL, and I still really enjoy each of them.

This morning I was tidying the sewing room a bit while I was having my morning coffee. I had a look at my Flower Garden by Kim McLean. You can see the whole quilt HERE . I've been enjoying this applique very much....the blocks and pieces are big and there are lots of gentle curves. Not an intricate piece, but relaxing and enjoyable. Plus, I'm loving the look of it.

I pinned my blocks onto the design wall and was surprised that I have completed more blocks than I thought. Two more and I'll be halfway done.....not counting those borders!

I'm glad I took the time to pin these up, it cheered me up seeing that I'm making some real progress in my projects! Here's what I have so far.....

Have a great day!


  1. Your flower garden is beautiful, so bright and cheery.
    I understand about your UFO's, I've got 5 listed with the Guild, a little overwhelming, but I'm going to try and stick to it too!!!!
    Have a great day, Diane xo

  2. I know the feeling, I have completed very little in the last couple of years. I think I'm going to relax about it and enjoy hand quilting a baby quilt that has been patiently waiting it's turn to shine. Have a great day!
