Sunday 24 April 2016

Mushroom Log log...

We're trying something new in the garden this year....we've purchased a Mushroom Log! Here is our Log on Day One....
If it is successful, it will sprout Shiitake mushrooms for 4-7 years (basically as long as the log lasts, I guess). My brother-in-law are both giving this a try.

In this picture, you can see the arrows pointing to little circles on the log...
This is where holes have been drilled, mushroom spores place in the holes and then plugged with maple syrup. All we have to do is keep it in a shady spot and perhaps put water on it if there are drought-like conditions.

We got the logs from Eden in Season. The young man who runs it will from time to time makes deliveries throughout Southern Ontario. 

It will be interesting to see if it works out or not!

I just had to take a picture of this sign of Spring...a rabbit and some birds sharing what they could find under one of the bird feeders...
As for "slow" stitching this week, I've been getting some embroidery done on the current Life is Beautiful block....
...but then....I hate to admit it, a project that has been waiting it's turn for after a couple of my bigger projects are done has pushed it's way to the front of the queue. I just couldn't resist doing the first bit of it. 

It's called the Rowdy Flat Library Quilt by Susan Smith. 

I hosted my applique group this past week and I'm blaming starting this quilt on seeing an old applique buddy who has been a big influence in my quilting life. Well, I guess I can't really blame her, it's my own doing, isn't it???

Here is the beginning of Rowdy Flat...
I did the first mow of the backyard yesterday. At one point I felt a bit overwhelmed...I think it's the first summer with none of my children home to help with the outdoor responsibilities. Then I looked at the bright side. I love my property and it's so nice to be out in the beautiful weather taking care of it. I've also wanted to be more active and this is great be out walking the lawnmower, breathing in the lovely Springtime! So no, no complaints here!

This past week has been so busy and flown by. I really feel that it will be a very slow day....stitching and recuperating. I am so very lucky to have a past-time that does so much for my well-being.

I'm linking up with Kathy over at Kathy's Quilts to see what others are stitching at today.

Have a lovely Spring day!


  1. Ohhhh I haven't done that Life is Beautiful block yet! So cute!
    Haven't heard of your new project before... looks interesting!

  2. Hi Sandra,boy I have never seen a mushroom log,how fascinating ,oh I love your work,you are very clever my friend xx

  3. If a project is calling your name, you must answer! I enjoy watching your progress on all your projects. Enjoy your slow stitching day!

  4. Your mushroom log is very interesting as I've never heard of them before. Be sure to keep us posted on how it is doing. I love the "Life is Beautiful" patterns and have been looking to purchase them.

  5. I'm looking forward to the mushroom log. Sounds really neat. Love your outlook on life - enjoying the outdoors and fresh air is a great thing.

  6. Life is Beautiful quilt is so beautiful and inspiring, but I can see how Rowdy Flat can distract you. Hopefully you give each one a turn.

  7. I love that circle with the bird in it: it is beautiful. I don't know the pattern, so I'll look forward to seeing more of it. Good luck with your mushrooms!

  8. The Rowdy Flat quilt looks lovely. Of course, blues are my favorite. Your embroidery looks very nice. I enjoy doing handwork in the evening, helps me to relax before going to bed. I've started mowing yard also. I'm enjoying spending the time outside. I haven't touched my sewing machine in a week, but that is ok. She'll be there on the next rainy day. I'll be interested to see how your mushroom log grows. I've seen these before, but just never tried it. Have a great day! Blessings, Gretchen

  9. The Rowdy Flat quilt looks lovely. Of course, blues are my favorite. Your embroidery looks very nice. I enjoy doing handwork in the evening, helps me to relax before going to bed. I've started mowing yard also. I'm enjoying spending the time outside. I haven't touched my sewing machine in a week, but that is ok. She'll be there on the next rainy day. I'll be interested to see how your mushroom log grows. I've seen these before, but just never tried it. Have a great day! Blessings, Gretchen

  10. Hi Sandra, I also have the Life is Beautiful BOM that I need to make a start on. I am so lucky that the designer, Helen Stubbings, has her shop in Hobart, Tasmania....only a half hour drive for me. It was lovely to visit your blog today.....I hope we cross paths again!
