Sunday 21 February 2016

Something new.....for me anyway!

It's still early on a Sunday and I'm happy because I've learned something new already!

I hadn't set out to learn this stitch, it came about quite by accident while looking at today's post on Kathy's Quilts. Today is her link-up day so we can see what others are slow stitching on. 

I came across a blog called The Crafty Creek which you can see HERE. She is working on The Splendid Sampler, also, and uses an embroidery stitch I have never seen or heard of before called the bullion stitch.

She has used it for the body of her butterflies. 

Through the magic of YouTube, I found how to go about this stitch and after three tries finally got one that worked! It may not be the prettiest but I was thrilled to learn this stitch. The one stitch makes up the entire butterfly body. (I must see if my friend, Donna, knows this stitch...she's doing a lot of embroidery this year!)

So, instead of my slow stitching on a Sunday being working on my Flower Garden as intended, I did some embroidery to complete the Wings block for The Splendid Sampler!

Have a visit with Kathy over at Kathy's Quilts to see what others are working on today!


  1. Love how the butterflies are fluttering amongst the little birds!!

  2. It's so nice when we learn something new. I love to see what other quilters are doing too. Your block is beautiful.

  3. Love that stitch as your butterfly bodies! I hope to have time to play with embroidery stitches one day. I only learned the basic ones when I was a child, I think it might be time to grow up LOL

  4. That wings block is cute. I've never heard of the bouillon stitch either. Interesting stitch.

  5. What fun to learn something new. The bullion also makes great bumble bee bodies.

  6. Love your block, especially the fussy-cut birds! You can use bullion bars to stitch roses too, it's a bit like a long French knot really, thanks for the link :-)
