Friday 15 January 2016


Just a quick post to share what I am working on much fun!!
I had a couple of errands to run today. One of which was stopping in at my local healthy store, Sweet Greens, for some snacky chips that I like. Wouldn't you know it.....discontinued!!!

So I looked around for something else to try. I found a couple to bring home and sample, but there's one I wish I had picked up. This must be on the shelves for the upcoming Robbie Burns Day?.....
I may go back and get a bag as a joke for my very Scottish husband, who definitely does NOT like haggis!!!

Have a great day!


  1. Your quilting is absolutely stunning - WOW! It takes my breath away.
    My mom loved Haggis.
    Have a great weekend. Diane

  2. Love the quilting!
    Haggis potato crisps, poor I!
