Monday 7 December 2015

Allietare, week two!

I wasn't able to get as much sewing done on the weekend that I had hoped what with prepping the house a bit for Christmas and some Christmas shopping. Although, I have to admit, we did a lot of damage at Kitchen Stuff Plus but it was all for ourselves! Oh well :)

I did make headway on my microwave fabric bowls, most of them just need the final bit of sewing around the edge....

As of this morning, I am caught up on my Day in My Life/Quilty365. I'm still loving this little project. Now I'm wondering whether or not to start joining them up somewhat along the way so I don't have 365 to sew together in the end. I think I will!
I did manage to sew a bit on Bonnie Hunter's mystery, Allietare. I'm liking this step for a couple of reasons, one being that the reds in my stash are probably some of my favourite fabrics. I've also liked learning to use the Companion Angle ruler for this step. I haven't used this ruler much in the past. Here are my "headless geese", as Bonnie calls them....

When I read the post over at Kathy's Quilts this morning, Kathy mentions using this tape to help mark the proper spot on the ruler for this step.....
As soon as I read her post I remembered that I had purchased this product sometime in the past but as you can see, it's still in the package! I'm sure I bought it to mark rulers I use while on the longarm, but obviously I'd forgotten all about it.

Here's how it will be used in this step in the mystery....
Thanks, Kathy!, but I wish I had read your post a few days ago when I cut a few pieces incorrectly by putting the top edge of the ruler along the top of the fabric edge! Luckily I noticed fairly quickly my mistake.

Today I will be joining in at the Mystery Monday Link-up hosted by Quiltville. You can take a look at everyone's progress HERE.

I hope you can hunker down and do some sewing on this dreary day!


  1. Very lovely units for clue #2. Love all the reds.

  2. Visiting everyone's blogs is a great way to pick up tips and tricks like that!

  3. I have that tape also and haven't used it. I need to dig it out. I have six more microwave bowls to make ( I thought of a few more people that might like them) and then that will be it for Christmas gifts.

  4. Happy to help, even if it was a little late :)
