Thursday 12 November 2015

Help ma' Boab!

A rough translation for the title of this post would be "goodness, gracious me"!

I'm actually considering another project....what's wrong with me???

I was reading a blog this morning by Stephie at Dawn Chorus Studio which you can also read HERE.

 She talks about taking part in a Quilt-along (aka QAL) with Audrey at Quilty Folk which you can check out HERE. 

The concept is to make a small circle block each day, picking out fabrics that reflect your mood on that day. It's even suggested to write the date on the back of the block in the seam allowance so if you choose to assemble the blocks in chronological order you will have that option since you thought ahead to date them!

Now, Stephie's blocks are beautiful, and she says it will only take about an hour a day to pick out fabrics and do the block. An hour????, hmm, I don't think I will stick with it if it takes an hour. I'm thinking, though, that some days could be spent on a more intricate circle, but a lot of time it really could take much less time.

I just recently completed my Circle quilt, which I thoroughly enjoyed, so I'm tempted!

Then a far-off memory niggled in my head....I'm pretty sure I had wanted to do something similar at least 10 years ago with small heart blocks! How come this memory can come forward but I can't remember what I had for dinner two nights ago?! Even as I was in the shower this morning another picture came to mind....I think the couple of blocks are in the drawer of my "applique table"....and sure enough.....

These are only about 3.5" blocks, so quite do-able. I'm pretty sure these were done at least 10 years ago!

So, I'm posting the "button" on the side of my page to the right, entitled Quilty 365. I'm going to think on this for a couple of days. Audrey says we can start anytime, so I don't feel the urge to jump right in. Will I follow the group and do circles?, or stick with my original heart blocks?

I hope to hear from a couple of my quilting friends saying that they would like to join in, also! How about it????

Have a great day!


  1. Oh SO glad you're joining us all!! It no where near takes me one hour a day--maybe 20 minutes once i find the right fabric--that is the big challenge. I have pre-cut a lot of 4.5" background squares ahead so grab one, trace circle, iron under, stitch...ok maybe 30min--depending as i am totally applique challenged....but loving it...hugs, Julierose

  2. Oh SO glad you're joining us all!! It no where near takes me one hour a day--maybe 20 minutes once i find the right fabric--that is the big challenge. I have pre-cut a lot of 4.5" background squares ahead so grab one, trace circle, iron under, stitch...ok maybe 30min--depending as i am totally applique challenged....but loving it...hugs, Julierose

  3. I love your circle quilt! I saw this blog post and have been thinking of doing it. (Like I need one more to add to my UFO list!) I think I will use my charm squares. Not sure if I will do circles or mini baskets. I'm in!!

  4. I am in love with your circle is a "to do" I would love to try it or similar with're inspiring.....I like Sherill's basket idea and your heart....I could do 365 mini

    hugs and stitches

  5. Hahaha! Honestly Sandra, it takes me 40 minutes to choose the fabric - I spend ages looking for little bits that feel just right for the day! The stitching probably takes about 15 - 20 minutes :D I'm so glad you're joining us, your hearts are perfect. And I know that feeling of not remembering what the heck I was doing the day before, but remember 10 years ago like it *was* yesterday! And your circle quilt....oooh, if it ever needs a new home! (Is it Kaffe Fassett stripes? They seem to have that lovely soft colour and texture.) x
